

With the 世界卫生组织 (WHO) declaring an end to the global public health emergency in May 2023, 世界大部分地区已经摆脱了新型冠状病毒肺炎. 政府和医疗机构已经降低了紧迫感, 大多数公众已经接受了大流行前生活的回归. 然而, 新型冠状病毒肺炎的风险远未结束, 尤其是对那些最脆弱的人, 比如免疫功能低下.


现在被认为是地方病, 新型冠状病毒肺炎继续在全球造成严重的健康后果, 比如住院, 重症监护病房(ICU)入院和死亡.1–3

  • 新型冠状病毒肺炎的住院率仍然高于其他季节性呼吸道疾病, 例如流感和呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV).4,5
  • 世卫组织报告了近10例,2023年12月死于新型冠状病毒肺炎的人数将达到1000人, and there was a 42% increase in hospitalisations and a 62% increase in ICU admissions compared with November 2023.6  
  • 仅在美国, 2023年结束时约为35,每周有000人住院,超过1,每周有500人死于新型冠状病毒肺炎.3,7


Many 谁 are immunocompromised often have a diminished immune response to 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccination, 因此,他们罹患严重新型冠状病毒肺炎的风险仍然较高, 住院率和死亡率高于一般人群.8-10  

New real-world evidence from large-scale studies in England and the US highlight that despite representing a small percentage of the general population, immunocompromised individuals accounted for a disproportionally large percentage of severe 新型冠状病毒肺炎 outcomes.10,11 这些研究表明:

  • 超过四分之一的新型冠状病毒肺炎负担是由免疫功能低下的个体产生的, 尽管接种了病毒疫苗;10
  • 免疫功能低下者, the risk of hospitalisation is disproportionately high for people with people with blood/bone marrow cancers, 终末期肾病, solid 器官移植受者 and those taking immunosuppressive medications for certain conditions, 尽管接种了疫苗;10,11
  • The cost of taking steps to protect immunocompromised patients may be lower than the high costs associated with poor 新型冠状病毒肺炎-related outcomes.12,13


Vaccines require a healthy immune system and help jumpstart the body’s natural ability to produce infection-fighting cells.14 因此, 免疫系统受损的个体, 比如癌症患者, 器官移植受者, 或者服用免疫抑制药物的人, 可能无法很好地预防新型冠状病毒肺炎, 即使接种了疫苗.10 事实上, more than one in 10 immunocompromised patients do not develop the antibodies needed for protection 即使接种了五次或更多的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗.15

Scientific advances have made it possible to provide passive immunity with monoclonal antibodies, 与接受者的免疫状态无关.16-18 单克隆抗体是在实验室中产生的针对特定细菌或病毒的抗体.19 The antibodies are administered into the body where they can provide near immediate protection against infection by recognising and binding to the target pathogen.16-18

With the rapid evolution of Omicron variants that reduced or removed authorised therapies for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 prevention, many immunocompromised individuals are left without active or passive protection while potential new therapies are being studied.20,21


Vaccination alone is often not enough to protect immunocompromised individuals from potential devastating consequences of 新型冠状病毒肺炎. We must work together to find solutions so that this vulnerable population can move on from the pandemic.

保罗•莫斯 英国伯明翰大学血液学教授


The 世界卫生组织 acknowledges that while 新型冠状病毒肺炎 has become endemic to many areas, 免疫功能低下者继续面临来自该病毒的持续风险.22 A deeper understanding and recognition of this diverse group to help foster access to tailored, 适当的护理和治疗仍然是一项尚未得到满足的迫切需要. 没有有效的, 长期保护, 新型冠状病毒肺炎的负担落在免疫功能低下的患者和卫生保健系统身上.12,13 2022年的一项研究表明,超过14,500 hospitalisations in England could have been prevented if a prophylactic intervention with 80% effectiveness had been used alongside vaccination in immunocompromised individuals.10

澳门葡京网赌游戏, 澳门葡京赌博游戏致力于遵循科学来保护最脆弱的患者, 确保不让任何患者掉队. One area where we see promise is with monoclonal antibodies as passive immunisation for infectious respiratory disease. We believe innovating in this field will help deliver on our ambition to provide long-lasting immunity to millions of people, 哪里的疾病负担最重.



1.  世界卫生组织. Statement on the fifteenth meeting of the IHR (2005) Emergency Committee on the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic. [引自2024年2月]. 可从:http://www获得.谁.int/news/item/05-05-2023-statement-on-the-fifteenth-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-pandemic

2.  澳门葡京赌博游戏的数据世界. 冠状病毒(新型冠状病毒肺炎)住院 . 2022年[引自2024年2月]. 可从:http://ourworldindata获得.org/covid-hospitalizations #引用

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5.  疾病控制和预防中心. 交互式仪表板. [引自2024年2月]. 可从:http://www获得.疾病预防控制中心.gov / rsv /研究/ rsv-net /仪表盘.html

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9.  Singson JRC等. Factors Associated with Severe Outcomes Among Immunocompromised Adults Hospitalized for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 — COVID-NET, 10个州, 2020年3月- 2022年2月. 《凡人周刊. 2022. 71(27):878–84. 可从:http://www获得.疾病预防控制中心.gov / mmwr /卷/ 71 / wr / mm7127a3.htm

10. Evans RA等人. Impact of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 on immunocompromised populations during the Omicron era: 洞察力s from the observational population-based INFORM study. 《柳叶刀-欧洲区域卫生》. 2023年10月. 0(0):100747. doi: 10.1016/j.lanepe.2023.100747

11. Ketkar A等. Assessing the Burden and Cost of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Across Variants in Commercially Insured Immunocompromised Populations in the United States: Updated Results and Trends from the Ongoing EPOCH-US Study. 人其他. doi: 10.1007/s12325-023-02754-0

12. Ketkar A等. Assessing the risk and costs of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 in immunocompromised populations in a large United States commercial insurance health plan: the EPOCH-US Study. 当前医学研究意见. 2023年7月17日. doi: 10.1080/03007995.2023.2233819

13. Willems SH等. Digital Solutions to Alleviate the Burden on Health Systems During a Public Health Care Crisis: 新型冠状病毒肺炎 as an Opportunity. 移动医疗Uhealth; 2021;9(6):e25021. doi: 10.2196/25021

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